14 November 2022

In line with the Government’s aspiration towards digitalisation, effective 1 December 2022, the Immigration Department of Malaysia is pleased to introduce a new featured document known as the ePASS for Employment Pass and its related passes for RENEWAL purposes. The company assigned may sign into the ESD Online System (esd.imi.gov.my) to download the said Employment Pass and its related passes as an ePASS.

Terms and conditions of the ePASS:

  1. Renewal with a previous active pass that was endorsed in the same passport
  2. Renewal with a new passport (without a previous pass endorsement) is not applicable for ePASS and therefore will be issued with a physical Pass.


1. What is an ePASS? 
Ans: The ePASS is an electronic pass that will replace the current physical (sticker) Employment Pass.


2. What is the purpose of the ePASS?
Ans: The purpose of the ePASS is to ease the renewal process of an Employment Pass and reduce the number of pages used on the Passport.


3. Can the company apply an ePASS for dependents?
Ans: Yes, an ePASS will be provided upon renewal of a dependent’s pass.


4. What happens if the renewal application has been approved and the applicant changes their passport?
Ans: The company will need to proceed with sticker printed onto the new passport.


5. What should the company do if they didn’t receive the email to download the ePASS?
Ans: Company may log in to the ESD Online System to download the ePASS.


6. Do the applicant needs to be inside Malaysia for the company to proceed with an ePASS?
Ans: Yes, the applicant needs to be physically inside Malaysia for the company to proceed with an ePASS.


7. Can I proceed with an ePASS renewal with a new passport?
Ans: The ePASS is only eligible for renewals with an existing sticker on the Passport. New passports with blank pages are advised to proceed with sticker printing.


8. Where can I find the ePASS?
Ans: Company can download the ePASS in the ESD Online System simultaneously with the approval letter.


9. Company can download the ePASS in the ESD Online System simultaneously with the approval letter.
Ans: The incorrect ePASSwill be voided, and a newly amended ePASS will be issued.


10. How many working days will it take for the ePASS processing after payment is made?
Ans: 1 day after payment and the ePASS will be reflected in the ESD Online System.


11. Can I bring the ePASS along as an identification document instead of the Passport?
Ans: The passport is required at all-times to go together with the ePASS.


12. Can I cancel the ePASS?
Ans: Yes, the ePASS can be cancelled.


13. Is this applicable for PVP?
Ans: The ePASS is specifically for EP and DPrelated passes only.


14. What is the function of the barcode?
Ans: The barcode is used for security purposes and identification.


15. Do we still need a sticker to be printed and pasted in the Passport?
Ans: Only the first sticker is required. There is no need to print stickers for renewal purposes.


16. How to enter/exit Malaysia?
Ans: The applicant can enter and exit Malaysia using the ePASS with the valid passport.


17. Does ePASS follow the validity of an approved application?
Ans: The validity of the ePASS will follow the approval and validity of the Passport.


18. Can the ePASS be printed in case the applicants could not access it from their devices?
Ans: Yes, the ePASS can be printed.


19. Is the ePASS valid to show upon entry at the airport?
Ans: Yes, it is valid to show upon entry at the airport.


20. Can the applicant hold an ePASS and sticker at same time?
Ans: Applicant can only hold either the ePASS or the sticker at any one time.